Tuesday, July 31, 2007

BPL Pre-Season Preview (3)

Manchester City

Player Watch:

1. Gelson Fernandes: Midfielder

- This midfield anchor-man is only 21 years of age and at £4 million it already looks like a major coup by Sven. Combative and energetic, he is also the skipper for the Swiss U-21 side. It will be real exciting to see how he does this season

2. Nedum Onuoha: Defender

- This versatile defender can operate on any side of the defense but is most comfortable at centre-back. Had put in reasonable performances for club and country at U-21 level but has not been able to be a main-stay as a result of frequent injuries. Would be a force to be reckoned with if he were fully fit. Is a definite asset in City’s quest for Europe.

3. Rolando Bianchi: Forward

- It was a touch choice between highlighting him and Geovanni. Bianchi only came up tops because he is something City had not had for a long time, a pure goal-getter. Notching up 18 goals last season for Atalanta, he is looking to do the same for the Sky Blues; the only difference is this time it is not for survival but for Europe.

Lacks: Depth in Defense

Strengths: Good mix of youth and experience, Big name manager and owner

Prediction: Will be making a strong case for a UEFA Cup slot

Reasons: Solid purchases in pre-season (In Thaksin’s own words, “When you buy a boat you will also need to buy the engine.” Well he certainly did!)

Chicken Soup for the Team: They may need another centre-back as cover for injuries

Parting Shot: They have quality all round and look good enough for Europe next season. Affairs outside the field however, could be a distraction.


Aston Villa

Player Watch:

1. Nigel Reo-Coker: Midfielder

- The effervescence of youth is embodied in his performances on the field. Does not make his slight frame a disadvantage, he gets stuck in with the rest of them. Will be interesting to see how he is molded and employed by a better manager.

2. Stiliyan Petrov: Midfielder

- Had a mediocre first season but seems to have adapted nicely into the team as shown in his pre-season performances. Possesses great vision and sublime touches. I am expecting much more from him next season and I am pretty sure he will deliver.

3. Martin O’Neil: Manager

- Yes, he is only the 2nd manager I have highlighted so far, but trust me he is one of the best in the business. Excellent player management and temperament for the job, he is someone who can bring a team to the next level single-handedly. Appointing him was the best move Randy Lerner ever did, and coming from a land that plays soccer, it is shockingly astute.

Lacks: Depth in General

Strengths: Excellent manager, good pace up front

Prediction: Will be making a strong case for a UEFA Cup slot

Reasons: Besides the manager, the backbone of the team is sound as well.

Chicken Soup for the Team: Should be still in the market for a couple more players, which is essential if they are serious about Europe.

Parting Shot: I still do not understand why they bought Marlon Harewood, but before I criticize, let’s see how he does next season.



Player Watch:

1. Christian Wilhelmsson: Midfielder

- I have always been a big fan of his hairstyles, but that aside, he is a fantastic acquisition. Speedy and experienced, he will add fresh options to Sammy Lee for wide positions already boasting El-Hadj Diouf, Stelios Giannakopoulos, and Ricardo Vaz Te. This is where Bolton’s strength lies.

2. Nicolas Anelka: Forward

- Ok he is The Incredible Sulk, but he seems to be enjoying his time at Bolton. He is Bolton’s main threat up front and is one player I have always admired. His main problem is asserting himself in the game more consistently as he is prone to drift into the peripherals of matches. Will be disastrous if Bolton loses him.

3. Jussi Jaaskelainen: Goalkeeper

- Entering his 9th season at Bolton, he is the mainstay between the posts. Another one of those I rate as top 5 goalkeepers in the League. Able to stay focused throughout the match, but does have rare lapses of concentration.

Lacks: Replacement for Ben-Haim

Strengths: Brilliant Wingers

Prediction: Could be challenging for Europe, but unlikely.

Reasons: The lost of Big Sam is a factor, along with questions that could be asked in the centre of defense.

Chicken Soup for the Team: If the new purchases can fill the void left by Ben-Haim, then all could be smooth sailing for Bolton, and if Sammy Lee gets it right.

Parting Shot: Talk of Anelka trotting away from Bolton is worrying and as Yakubu is to Middlesbrough, Anelka is to Bolton.



Player Watch:

1. Joey Barton: Midfielder

- Big Sam is building another Bolton in Newcastle and Joey Barton = Kevin Nolan. Although he trumps Nolan in movement and speed, he loses out in terms of temperament and hence leadership qualities. Could prove to be a double-edged sword for Newcastle.

2. Mark Viduka: Forward

- Once again, Kevin Davies = Mark Viduka. But Viduka has better ball skills and is more experienced. Although lacking in pace, the role he should be employed in would mean no necessity for that. Would be interesting to see who he is paired with.

3. Shay Given: Goalkeeper

- Another one into the list of Top 5 Goalkeepers in the League. Excellent shot-stopper but conceded quite a few last season as he was playing with the twin terrors Boumsong and Bramble. The centre of defense is still not proven and he could end up as their lifesaver once again.

Lacks: Proven Centre-Backs

Strengths: Sam Alladyce, variety of options up front

Prediction: Would be challenging for a spot in Europe

Reasons: Big Sam is experienced enough to know what is needed and the Magpies look menacing going forward.

Chicken Soup for the Team: The new defense will have to sort themselves out and protect Given if they were to stand a chance to reach Europe

Parting Shot: The recently underachieving Magpies see Alladyce as their messiah to send them back into Europe and I would not bet against that.


West Ham

Player Watch:

1. Craig Bellamy: Forward

- L’Enfant Terrible is now at the Hammers ready to make a nuisance of himself, but this time it is for the opposition. Energetic and dogged in nature, Bellamy will be a thorn in the opposition’s defense. Always felt he is a good player without the sagas on and off the field, I hope he will prove me right this season.

2. Julien Faubert: Midfielder

- The most exciting buy for West Ham this season. At 24 years of age, he has made a bold move to the Barclays Premier League, defying national team coach Domenech who called his move “unspeakably stupid”. I beg to differ as joining this league will improve a player’s capacity for physicality. Explosive and seasoned at his age, he is one player I’m all excited to see in action.

3. Anton Ferdinand: Defender

- Had an inconsistent season but the lad’s only 22 and can only get better. Will be looking to see if he stamps his authority with solid and consistent displays this season. Maybe a few tips from his elder brother may do the trick.

Lacks: Depth up front, a partner for Ferdinand

Strengths: Good first team midfield and attack that will cause problems for anyone (Chelsea and Man U included)

Prediction: Should be challenging for a place in Europe, if perhaps they can score more than they concede!

Reasons: If the team is able to gel, they will be extremely dangerous going forward and could very well score more goals than they concede.

Chicken Soup for the Team: Eggert Magnússon should also look at strengthening the Hammer’s defense with his shit-loads of money.

Parting Shot: Forget the Tevez saga; West Ham has a good team in their own right. Always had a soft spot for them…go Hammers!


I would say the weakest team of the lot would have to be Bolton after losing Alladyce, and not having a good enough team on paper they may struggle to make an impression in the quest for UEFA. Next in line would be Aston Villa, whose lack of depth in the squad is worrying. However I wouldn’t be surprised if O’Neil makes a couple more signings before the start of the season to shore up their deficiencies. Newcastle, Manchester City and West Ham I would say all stand an equal chance for the final 2 to 3 UEFA Cup slots. It is precisely this tight competition that would make the coming season the most exciting in years. Next up, the top 5 teams and I know you know who they are.

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